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Q: Do comparison operators join strings of text in different cells?
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What is the name of operators which join strings of text in different cells?

concatenation (the symbol is &)

What kinds of cells do celery strings have?


Are the strings of celery phloem?

Xylem - collenchyma cells.

What is the structure of a cell in detail?

Different kind of cells have different structures. Therefore, some cells are round or circular, some lengthy, some flat and triangular. For instance, the structure of a cell for the bones is different in comparison to the cells for the muscles.Through the outer structures of different types of cell but the inner structure of all the cells remains the same. A cell has following organs 1-Cell Membrane, 2-Cytoplasm, and 3-Cell Nucleus.

Is cell division the same in all cells?

No., its different but it also have a comparison, in mitosis it is one cycle, but in meiosis it repeats, the first cycle is what we called mitosis while if it repeats this is what we called meiosis,

What are the cells in animals called?

Cells. Different types of cells have different names. What type of cells are you talking about? Different parts of a body have different types of cells.

What happens to the number of chromosomes when 2 grasshopper sex cells join in fertilization?

The number of chromosomes doubles in comparison to the sex cells.

Why are nerve cells and muscle cells different shapes?

they are different shape s because they are different cells

Do cells have the same?

No, all cells have different shapes. The blood cells and skin cells are definitely different! Also, plant and animal cells are different: plant cells are box-like shaped.

Do cells have the same shape?

No, all cells have different shapes. The blood cells and skin cells are definitely different! Also, plant and animal cells are different: plant cells are box-like shaped.

What do cells have?

Cells have their different parts with different functions and properties.

How are stem cells and cancer cells different?

it is just different