

Different kinds of DOS command

Updated: 10/3/2023
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15y ago

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A complete list of MS-DOS commands can be found here:

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Troy O'Keefe

Lvl 10
2y ago
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13y ago

Following are the external commands of DOS:

Append, Arp, Assign, At, Attrib, Backup, Cacls, Chcp, Chkdsk, Chkntfs, Choice, Cipher, Comp, Compact, Convert, Debug, Defrag, Delpart, Deltree, Diskcomp, Diskcopy, Doskey, Dosshell, Dumpchk, Edit, Edlin, Expand, Extract, Fasthelp, Fc, Fdisk, Find, Format, FTP, Gpupdate, Graftabl, Help, Hostname, Ipconfig, Label, Loadfix, logoff, Mem, Mode, More, Msav, Msbackup, Mscdex, Mscdexnt, Mwbackup, Msd, Nbtstat, Net, Netsh, Netstat, Nlsfunc, Nslookup, Pathping, Ping, Power, Print, Reg, Route, Runas, Scandisk, Scanreg, Setver, Sfc, Share, Shutdown, Smartdrv, Sort, Subst, Sys, Systeminfo, Taskkill, Telnet, Tracert, Tree, Undelete, Unformat and Xcopy.

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9y ago

There are a large number of MS-DOS commands. Some simple commands include CD which allows a user to change directory, mkdir which allows a user to create a new directory, shutdown which allows a user to turn off their system, ping which tests the reachability of a host over IP, and scandisk which checks and attempts to fix any hard disk drive errors. MS-DOS commands have optional arguments that modify the way the based command operates.

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9y ago

There two types of DOS commands internal and external commands. Examples of internal DOS commands include: COPY, DEL, and TYPE. While examples of external DOS commands include: FORMAT, diskCOPY, and CHKDSK.

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11y ago

Some very basic examples of DOS commands include the "cd" command, which allows a user to change to a specific directory. Another command is the "ping" command which sends an internet signal to a location.

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14y ago

1. Internal Command: Present in

2. External Command: Present in the disk..

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15y ago

Resident and transient. The first one is built into COMMAND.COM (eg: DIR), the second one is implemented in a separete *.COM or *.EXE file (eg: FORMAT).

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14y ago

You can create DOS utilities by batch programming..

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