No. A replica is simply a copy produced for any number of reasons; a fake is a replica that claims, or is claimed to be, the real or original thing.
No but they got fake replica ones.Always be-careful about the original one.
No, it is not normally a crime to purchase a replica (unless you plan to see it on) but it is a crime to sell one as 'real' when it is a fake.
wallmart or fake websites just use google
A fake gun made to look just like a real one.
A Strat Replica is a replica of an older stratocaster. A Strat is a new version of the old Stratocasters. They are basically the same...
WHAT DO YOU MEAN????!!!!! If you buy a "fake" replica wand, it doesn't matter how old you are!! It's not like it's real and you can do damage with it!!! If you mean "How old do you have to be to buy a replica wand?", then probably at least 18. Or you can get your parents to buy it!
Replica coins are required to have the word "COPY" stamped on them somewhere.
On ebay you can find guide in "how to spot fake replica emporio armani watches ceramic ar1400/ar1410" this guide will tell you how to spot any fake armani model.
The different .the Swiss replica rolex is made the Swiss movement like 2824 ,2836,2892 movement .and the Italian replica rolex will use these movement too, but the different is the card and paper .
A collector would want the original. Sometimes (Most) the original is worth more than the replica.
A real Rolex watch is made by the luxury Swiss brand Rolex with high-quality materials and precise craftsmanship, while a fake Rolex is a replica made to imitate the original design and deceivingly pass as authentic. Fake Rolexes are typically of lower quality, use cheaper materials, and may not have the same level of precision or durability as a genuine Rolex.