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First of all, let's assume that by "lint" you mean "init."

There are two methods called at the beginning of an applet's lifetime:

Applet.init() - Called to tell the applet that it has been loaded into the system. You should use this method to initialize any resources used by the applet.

Applet.start() - Called to tell the applet that it should start running.

start() is always called after init()

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/*Applet Life Cycle ExampleThis java example explains the life cycle of Java applet.*/import java.applet.Applet;import java.awt.Graphics;/*** Applet can either run by browser or appletviewer application.* Define tag within comments as given below to speed up* the testing.*//**/public class AppletLifeCycleExample extends Applet{/** init method is called first.* It is used to initialize variables and called only once.*/public void init() {super.init();}/** start method is the second method to be called. start method is* called every time the applet has been stopped.*/public void start() {super.start();}/** stop method is called when the the user navigates away from* html page containing the applet.*/public void stop() {super.stop();}/* paint method is called every time applet has to redraw its* output.*/public void paint(Graphics g) {super.paint(g);}/** destroy method is called when browser completely removes* the applet from memeory. It should free any resources initialized* during the init method.*/public void destroy() {super.destroy();}}

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