A coprocessor provides auxiliary functions or features that the main processor does not have. These might include floating point support or hardware encryption. A coprocessor is generally not usable without its main processor, whereas a processor may function in a crippled or less powerful form without a coprocessor. An example of a processor and a coprocessor pair would be the 80386 and the 80387.
processor on which normal data is fetch and process on FIFO basis first in first out but a co processor is added to the computer to perform mathematical derivation ,graphic manipulation trigonometrical function .when these data is given to the computer the processor passes these data to the co processor to work with.
Now FPGAs are having builtin processor like PPC and more either in hardcore or softcore. Main difference between processor and FPGA is execution Processor is sequencial execution but FPGAs are concurrent so speed of FPGA is much higher than a high speed processor.
A coprocessor is a specialized computer chip that works alongside the main processor to handle specific tasks more efficiently. It offloads certain computations from the main processor, enabling faster processing speeds and better overall system performance. Coprocessors are often used for tasks like floating-point arithmetic, encryption, and graphics processing.
Not sure if it's the first but:"Intel processors later than the 80486 integrated floating-point hardware on the main processor chip" source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coprocessor#Modern_PC_coprocessorsCouldn't find anything about Motorola processors with math coprocessors built-in.I believe AMD was just behind Intel with the processor design.
Hyper threading processors simulate a dual core processor with only a single core. Technically you are still running a single core processor, but multiple tasks can be run more efficiently..
85 is a 8 bit processor,number of flags are 5 and memory capacity is 64KB while 86 is a 16 bit processor ,number of flags are 9 and memory capacity is 1 MB.The main difference between 8085 and 8086 is that 8086 uses pipelining.
They are different processors, the difference in not only in technology process which was used to produce the cpus but also in frequency and the size of CPU cash. Also core 2 duo is more efficient about power consumption.
what is the main difference between polyethylene and polyesters what is the main difference between polyethylene and polyesters
There is no difference.
difference between campaction and consolition
processor and main memory
what are the main difference between communicating with adults and communicating with children
What? Speak proper english, please. The main difference between amino acids and what?