One difference between microcomputers and minicomputers is their relative size. A minicomputer would describe a server-class machine, meaning a computer with possibly several processors working in tandem, while a microcomputer would describe your average desktop or laptop with a single microprocessor.
Another possible point of comparison would be performance. A minicomputer could describe a very high-end system (e.g. technical workstations like the SGI graphics renderer) capable of doing highly specific and complex tasks, while a microcomputer would describe your basic calculator or PC, which would probably gag at the thought of doing the task of a minicomputer, but would be able to process several high-level languages (e.g. C++, VB, Pascal) and turn them into machine-level language for execution, unlike a majority of minicomputers, which is created such that there is a very tight integration between hardware and software.
The difference between a super computer and a mini computer is in their computing power. A super computer has infinitely more computing power than a mini computer.
There is no difference. The manufacturer decides how he wants to call his equipment.
Computer, Mini computer, Micro computer, or Personal computer
micro computers can occupy physically a small amount of space compared to main frame and mini computer, as we all know for today that super computers are the most fastest high performance system and also has a largest memory.
The phrase "personal computer" can be any computer that is intended for personal use literally at least. A PC can be classified as a micro, mini, or another form of computer specification.
micro computer mini computer mainframe computer super computer
Micro device is a small device. Micro is similar as mini or small. The example of micro device is the computer capacitor and resistor.
Mainframes, Mini-computers and Micro-computers.
a main frame computer is a large-scale computers but a super computer are larger than mainframe while a mini computer is smaller in size, have lower processing speed and also have lower cost than mainframe computers.
The prefix meaning for small is "micro-" or "mini-".
No that's micro not mini.
They are the same thing.