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1 More the RAM more the computer speed

2 Similarly Hard Disk

3 Processor Speed ex 2.4 Ghz, 3.1 Ghz

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Q: Computers speed is determined by what hardware?
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What is the opposite of hardware?

For computers, the opposite of hardware is software.

Which computer is called as high speed computers?

A "high speed" computer is relative. Each year a whole new set of hardware will come out which makes older machines seem slow by comparison. The only way to tell which are high speed and which are not is to compare them to the most recent new hardware.

What is the impacts of Overheating of the parts of computers?

hardware problem hardware problem

Is the mouse a software?

The mouse is not a software but hardware that is used in computers. Software refers to applications that are used on computers but hardware is the parts that are connected to a computer.

Is a collection of computers and telecommunications hardware linking those computers togethere?

A network.

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Copying information from a computers hardware to the internet is called utility programming. This can be done quickly.

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The hardware and software that enable individual computers and components to interact is known as the network interface.

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Load balancing hardware is a computer method which distributes workload across multiple computers and peripherals. Load balancing increases the amount of available bandwidth which allows for increased internet speed.

Is the disk drive a type of hardware?

Yes. Anything physical that you can touch in relation to computers is hardware.

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The operating system and the hardware device drivers.