Electronic communication is always asynchronous communication
People can obtain scholarly information from videos, television, museums, and computers.
Yes, the OEM product is almost always of better quality.Yes, the OEM product is almost always of better quality.
A crystal ball question .. answers are almost always wrong. Some possibilities: quantum computing, massively parallel computers, computing using biological components or plastic elements to make implantable or wearable computing devices. Direct neural connections between computers and the brain. More virtual reality, artificial intelligence, robotics ...
Winnipeg is almost always 2 hrs. ahead of Vancouver.
Yes, computers are always consistent unless they have a virus or bug.
Yes, the users of the computers. Think about it, the users always stare at them.
Once the language barrier is breached, immigrants and the citizens of the receiving country almost always seem to get along a lot better. The language barrier causes communication problems. Communication problems lead to conflict.
Hybrid computers use alot less energy than super computers but do not run as well. usally hybrid computers are used as servers for they are capable of many things but are always running therefor more efficent
Denver is almost always 1 hour ahead of California.
Almost always, the larger a food or serving is, the more calories it is going to have.