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The following compounds are used to manufacture Diamond Gold Sparklers Aluminum Al- 8% The most commonly used metal powder fuel to create flash powder and silvery-white sparkling effects in sparklers, gerbs, fountains, waterfalls, etc. Iron Filings Fe- 34% The metal filings are one of the oldest sources for "color" in fireworks. Usually linseed oil is mixed with it to coat it and protect it because the filings rust so quickly. Barium Nitrate Ba(NO3)2 - 45% A poor green effect as a coloring agent by itself. Boric acid often used with compositions with Al. Sometimes used in flash compositions. Dextrin (C6H10O5)n - 11% The most regularly used binder for compositions. Cheap, easy to use and work with, water soluble and holds most formulas together well after drying. Boric Acid H3BO3 - 2% This mild acid is used primarily in some compositions containing aluminum to reduce sensitivity. The above compounds are mixed with water - H20 Copyright 2009 Diamond Sparklers American Made Sparklers.

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Q: Common component of sparklers
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What element is common component of sparkelers?

The common component of sparklers is generally an iron alloy such as iron filings or powdered iron. This material is known for its ability to produce bright sparks when ignited.

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Is lead found in sparklers?

Yes, lead is a common ingredient in sparklers to produce the desired brightness. However, the amount of lead present in sparklers is typically small and considered safe for use in outdoor settings.

Where can you buy sparklers?

We can help you with all your sparkler needs. We carry all kinds of sparklers from wedding sparklers to bottle sparklers to champagne sparklers. We have a large variety for you to choose from at a great price. You can visit us at

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The cast of Frozen Sparklers - 1967 includes: Dayton Allen as James Hound

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Who invented sparklers?

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