if these codes does not work someone must have already used it okay!
400 bits-4b0i0ts
600 bits-bits600i
800 bits-bitsyu800
you play it
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i dont know i asked the question?
In linear block codes we use individual registers seperately for message bits and for parity bits while transmitting where in case of convolutional codes we use only one register and here the left most bit is the message bit and remaining are parity bits
Weighted codes have there bits presented in weightage. Simply put weighted codes are codes used for arithmetic operation. And unweighted codes there are no values for the bits. Simply put they can not be used for calculations. Examples are 8421 (BCD) binary, hex, octal ETC. For the former And grey codes, excess-3 etc. For the later.
Weighted codes have there bits presented in weightage. Simply put weighted codes are codes used for arithmetic operation. And unweighted codes there are no values for the bits. Simply put they can not be used for calculations. Examples are 8421 (BCD) binary, hex, octal ETC. For the former And grey codes, excess-3 etc. For the later.
animal jam bittybay club penguin moshi monsters hope this helps
7 bits can make 128 distinct codes.
so far, there have not been any more codes