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Q: Can you talk via bluetooth
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How do you connect to your wireless printer to a 2010 iMac using its built-in AirPort?

Unless the printer can be connected via airport which is doubtful you cannot. You can however connect it via WiFi or by Bluetooth if you printer is Bluetooth ready or with a Bluetooth device if it is Bluetooth compatible. Your Mac is Bluetooth ready.

Can you send games via bluetooth from iPhone 3g to iPhone 3gs?

No you cant, games can not be sent via bluetooth between iOS devices.

How can share files and folders through Bluetooth in a computer?

share files via bluetooth

What is bluetooth multiplayer for iphone?

It's a double way to talk on a Bluetooth

Can you connect to the internet via bluetooth?


How do you send messages via Bluetooth?

go to calendars and save message as a note or a remainder then send them via bluetooth

Can motorolas send music with via bluetooth?

A Motorolas can send music via Bluetooth but it depends on what music. If it's from an app from an Atrix 4G then it will not work.

Can you see 3gs camera on iPad via bluetooth?

No, it does not stream the camera through the bluetooth connection.

What is a printing technology where computers transmit output to a printer via radio waves?


How can you talk louder on a bluetooth car kit?

talk louder or you change the tone setting of your bluteeth earphone on your bluetooth car kit!

How do you send files from nokia 9300i communicator to another mobile via bluetooth?

Go to the file (using File Manager), press Options, Send via Bluetooth.

Pairing galaxy s5 with px4 headset via bluetooth?

Galaxy s5 with px4 headset via bluetooth can be paired by pushing of the pair button on both the headset.