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you can swim faster under water because the water pulls you forward more than the air does

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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Q: Can you swim faster under or above water?
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Do you swim faster under water or above water?

Most people can swim faster above water due to lower resistance and better propulsion. Swimming underwater requires more energy and slows down due to increased resistance from the water.

How do you swim under water in spore hero?

you can only swim above water

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Elepants can't breath under water. They can swim though and they can breath if they stick their trunk above the water.

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It lets your breath slower down and let’s you mine quicker under water

Do rattlesnakes swim above or below water?

above the water

Do Florida black racer snakes swim?

Yes, they can swim. Though I am not sure how often they do it, I did see one swim with it's body under the water surface. This is unlike a Cottonmouth that swims above the water surface.

How do the webbed feet of a duck help her to swim in water?

Duck's webbed feet help them swim efficiently by providing propulsion and stability in water. The webbing increases surface area, allowing the duck to push against the water with more force, while also providing better grip and balance while swimming.

Ducks that swim under water?

Ducks are semi-aquatic birds that can swim on the surface of the water, but they are not equipped to swim underwater. Unlike some other diving birds like ducks or loons, ducks lack the physical adaptations such as dense bones and specialized feathers that enable them to swim underwater.

Does a person swim faster in chloine water or salt water?

There is no effect.

Can polar bears swim faster than humans?

Some can. Marlins are knows to swim at speeds of nearly 60 MPH, probably faster. Yet some are really slow.

How do webed feet help a duck?

The webbed feet help them swim faster.

Can a fly swim under water?
