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The only way a person would be able to send a message using their IP address would be to actually be using the device connected to the internet. However, using a device you're not authorized to use could get a person into serious trouble.

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Q: Can you send a message using their IP address?
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How to send mail by using ip?

Find out someones IP address type it into the IP address bar and hit type in your message and hit send (if your using Gmail)

How do you send messages on command prompt?

Go into command prompt and type: net send (ip address/ name of computer) (User) (message)

What is is your ip address?

In the most widely installed level of the Internet Protocol (IP) today, an IP address is a 32-bit number that identifies each sender or receiver of information that is sent in packets across the Internet. When you request an HTML page or send e-mail, the Internet Protocol part of TCP/IP includes your IP address in the message (actually, in each of the packets if more than one is required) and sends it to the IP address that is obtained by looking up the domain name in the Uniform Resource Locator you requested or in the e-mail address you're sending a note to. At the other end, the recipient can see the IP address of the Web page requestor or the e-mail sender and can respond by sending another message using the IP address it received.

Can police track you if you emailed them?

EVERY email you send has a hidden 'header' - identifying the sender, along with their IP address. It's a simple procedure for the police to get your address details using your IP address from your service provider !

Why ip address start with 255.255..?

the Ip address is used to broadcast messages, such as the Emergency Broadcast message recived on your television

Does an iphone have an IP address?

Yes, if you are using the internet you'll have an IP address.

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Which protocol is used to determine a MAC address of a remote host interface?

ARP (address resolution protocol) is used in this case. Basically, one computer asks, for example, "who has IP address" (the message is sent as a broadcast), and the computer with this IP address replies, including its MAC address.ARP (address resolution protocol) is used in this case. Basically, one computer asks, for example, "who has IP address" (the message is sent as a broadcast), and the computer with this IP address replies, including its MAC address.ARP (address resolution protocol) is used in this case. Basically, one computer asks, for example, "who has IP address" (the message is sent as a broadcast), and the computer with this IP address replies, including its MAC address.ARP (address resolution protocol) is used in this case. Basically, one computer asks, for example, "who has IP address" (the message is sent as a broadcast), and the computer with this IP address replies, including its MAC address.

Concept of unicast ip address?

A unicast message is a message directed to a specific device on a network (just one specific device). It would have a destination IP address that corresponds to that device.

Ip address for cisco?

Using comminicution and identfaction purpose ip address cisco

What does an IP address do?

An IP address is a number that identifies your computer and the network area it is a part of. Every device directly connected to the internet has a unique address. Home and office machines typically have IP addresses that reflect the hierarchy of the network they are on. You can think of an IP address as being similar to a postal address. It describes where to send data so that it reaches it's destination.

How deciphers IP?

Decipher the IP address means, obtain IP address using Hardware address, and basically we use RARP(Reverse address resolution protocol) to find out the IP address from hardware address.