Appointing a health care proxy is not an irrevocable decision. One can change or revoke the proxy at any time, usually by filling out a new form
No, an offeror can't revoke an option contract if the offeror decides that the consideration given is inadequate. There would be an option to purchase the land.
"Rescind" means to revoke, cancel, or take back something such as a decision, order, or contract.
Renege is another word for revoke. It means to back out on a promise or contract. A good sentence would be, he thought he could renege the contract that he already signed.
In most states you have three days from the date of signing to revoke the offer.
"Rescinded" means to revoke, cancel, or annul a decision, contract, or agreement. It typically involves declaring something invalid or no longer in effect.
A proxy supplies internet data to your client if configured to do so. An upstream proxy proxy provides the Internet pages to your proxy.
If you have a unilateral contract, then you have the right to revoke it. This is fairly basic contract law. For a contract to be binding and irrevocable both parties must understand and sign the contract.
The verb form of revocation is "revoke."
Use a proxy. Google Proxy. Use a proxy. Google Proxy.
If they could not be present at the meeting, they were allowed vote by proxy. Proxy can be a computing term. Proxy is a hard language. The guy had a good proxy for his bad habit.
Proxy SIP - Proxy Server for all outbound requests Outbound Proxy - SIP Outbound Proxy Server where all outbound requests are sent as the first hop.