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In a word, Yes. This will work if and only if your network is configured properly. If IP connectivity exists between the two switches, you can have the print server on a different switch.

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Q: Can you plug printers directly into a network switch and have the print server located either on the same or different switch?
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Desktop and a printer recently purchased a notebook how can you share printer?

There are different kinds of printers. Some of them can be connected directly to network. If you have one of them just to that and then using ip address or name of your printer connect to it. If your printer cannot be connect directly to network, connect to your desktop and in the printer's properties choose share. After that check your network environment for shared printers, when you see what you are looking for double click on it, and you are all set.

What type of printer has an Ethernet port to connect directly to the network?

It's called "network printer". Such printers usually have either wireless or LAN interface.

Can your printer print something only from your computer?

It is possible to share most printers with the other computers in a network.Answer:It depends on your particular printer and what you are trying to do. Many printers today can print pictures directly from camera memory cards. You put the memory card in the slot for that type card and you can print pictures using the printers control panel.If you have a home network, any printer can be networked from your computer allowing other computers on the network to print on it.Some printers can be connected directly to the network (without having to be connected to a computer) and anyone on the network can use it.

What are the different ways a printer can be connected to a computer?

Printers are commonly connected by one of three waysOlder printers (and some new ones) are connected by a special cable that runs from the "Parallel Printer Port" on the computer to the printer.Most newer printers can be connected by a special USB cable.Some new printers can also be connected by wireless either directly or via a router. IF ALL ELSE FAILS, READ THE INSTRUCTIONS.

What is the difference between a network printer and a personal printer?

A network printer is not connected directly to an individual PC. A network printer is connected to a network, typically with an ethernet cable. Network printers are normally shared with several other users, often in an office setting. Personal printers, on the other hand, are usually connected to individual PCs. Common connection types for personal printers are parallel cables and USB cables. Unless you change the default settings, personal printers are not shared amongst multiple computers - they print only from the computer they are connected to. You can share personal printers if you wish, but unlike network printers, if the computer the printer is connected to is not turned on, nobody else will be able to print to it.

What kind of network interface do most network printers use?


Two compuers share two printers?

Yes, you can connect one printer to each computer and connect both computers on a local network, then install the network printer from each other's computer. Or you can give printer servers to two different printers.

A blank is a network that connects computers and printers in a building?

A network, specifically, a LAN (local area network).

What is the difference between local printer and network printer?

A local printer is one that is connected directly to an end user's desktop or laptop computer, and is usually used exclusively by that one end user. This is in contrast to a networked printer, which can be accessed and used by multiple people on the same network that the printer is attached to.

What two devices are shared peripherals?

They do not communicate directly on the network. Instead, peripherals rely on their connected host to perform all network operations. Examples of shared peripherals are scanners, locally attached printers, and fax machines its input and output

What Handles jobs sent to network printers?

print server

What type of businesses supply network laser printers?

There are a number of companies that produce and supply network laser printers such as Samsung, Brother, Hewlett Packard, Canon, Lexmark, Oki, and Xerox.