In linux command line : tar -zxvf /path_to_your_file/filename.tar.gz
If you mean edit a text document using a Linux terminal, the answer is yes. For instance, type the command in a terminal: nano and the document will open for editing. There are other text editors besides nano available.If you mean to correct a command that has a typo in the middle, use the left cursor key to move back along the command line to reach and correct the typo.
"man" is part of Linux. You could try "info" if you really wanted.
To find the shell on a computer, you can open a terminal or command prompt application. In Windows, you can use Command Prompt or PowerShell, while in Unix-based systems (such as Linux or macOS), you can use the Terminal application. These applications provide a command-line interface to interact with the operating system.
run cmd.exe
Using man ls will open the manual page for the ls command. The ls command lists the files and folders in the current directory.
just open the command line in windows and the command is shutdownfor example
Linux is an open system, Unix is not.
On windows OS the command is tracert X . instead of the X you input either IP or the destination or a domain name, for example. On Linux OS i think the command is tracepath.
A command is an instruction from a user to get the computer to do something! A simple example: open a terminal and type the command "man man" (without the quotes) and the result will be the manual page of the man command.Note: The command ls stands for list the files in the current directory.
AnswerYes we canjust get into the internet explorer folderthe path will for Win XP will be likec:\>cd progra~1\intern~1then type iexplore will take you to googleElse, open the command prompt.Type in start, space, followed by the website.e.g. Start will then open the specified website in you're default web browser.(Much quicker that first pointing to the browser)