No reason why not - providing the document was saved in a format OpenOffice can read. Windows 7 is the operating system - OpenOffice is a program.
Open Office files are saved as 'open document format' - Most of the popular office suites can read open document formats. If your friends computer can't read .odt format documents, ask them what program they use, then save your document as (for example) .doc
You do not. It must be saved in compatibility mode for you to open it with office 2003.
Basically you can't ! Open Office doesn't save previous version of documents. It simply over-writes the existing document with each new version that's saved. If you deleted a load of work then saved the document, your previous work is lost.
Go to File/Open and browse where you saved your file at. Remember you should have saved (in OpenOffice) in a format that Microsoft can read. Word: .doc, docx Excel: .xls; xlsx, PowerPoint: .pps; ppt; pptx
Templates can be created and saved in a variety of computer programs, such as Microsoft Office components. You open a blank document and set it up as you require then simply click on the option to save your new document.
It sounds like either the attachment is corrupted or it's been saved in a format that the recipients computer can't use.
Go to Open and look for the document. If it is not on the Excel list of previous documents, then Excel can offer you no help finding the document. Use the Windows search function to find the file, then open with Excel.
It saves files in open document format. This means that work saved in OpenOffice can be read by other software packages.
Open Office is one of the leading Open Source office document productivity.
No reason why not. Windows XP should be able to read disks created with Windows 98 without any problems. OpenOffice is capable of reading a wide variety of files.
the task bar by knowing the name of the document
go to Windows --> run --> Type "winword" a new Microsoft word document would open up.