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On a Mac you can have many windows open for an application, you can have several applications running at the same time (depending on how much memory your Mac has) on a desktop and you can have several desktops. The multiple desktops feature is called Spaces (see link below) on a Mac.

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Q: Can you have more than one windows screen open on a mac?
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You can't have more than one clip in use at a time on the Video track in Windows Movie Maker.

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If you are driving on the freeway, it is more economical to use airconditioning than to leave your windows open. The air rushing in through your windows causes resistance, and your car uses more gas to accelerate than the airconditioning uses. It is probably a better idea to roll the windows down if you are driving on inside roads though.

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In the city is will cause the vehicle to use more fuel than having the windows open. At highway speed in hot weather it is more economical to run the A/C than having the windows open.

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Windows XP and Windows Vista.

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my friend, when you open the car with the key control and you'r pressing the botton for more than 3 seconds, the mini cooper automatically opens the sunroof and windows, this just works with the open, if you try to close with the control the sunrooof and the windows stay it will in the same place.

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In print preview you have two options, zoom in and zoom out. Click on the screen with the magnifying glass icon or click on the zoom button to toggle between zoom in and zoom out. You can not increase the magnification more than the zoom in setting. However, you can see more if you decrease your windows screen resolution. Changing your windows screen resolution reduces the amount you can see on the screen, but everything displayed will appear larger.

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Windows 8 already runs multiple programs at a time. more than 2. If you mean changing between apps, you have to swipe in from the right side of the screen to change apps, or if you are using a mouse and keyboard you have to move your mouse into the top left corner and slide the mouse down the left edge of the screen to show open apps. You can click on one to switch to it or right click it for other options

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Linux is considered to be more secure than Windows.

How safe is opening

It's not very safe to open the program in Windows. It's better to open it from a Mac where there's no viruses. A PC is more prone to viruses than using a Mac.

How high should you mount a TV?

It s suggested that the screen be eye height when setting down. The thing to remember is the flat screen reflects light more than the CRT TV, don't mount the screen opposite windows or other light sources, tilting might be a help.