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It depends on the exact resolution of the image (check the properties) but probably not as you will get image blurring and pixellation.

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Q: Can you have a poster printed from a small JPEG image that you downloaded from the internet?
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Where can an image printer be downloaded?

An image printer is a free user-friendly application that can be downloaded to any computer that uses the WINDOWS operating system from many online software sites. Documents are printed to image files.

What is poster printing?

Poster printing at places like Kinko's or UPS allows you to take an image and blow it up to poster size. Then it can be printed off for about $5, depending on the size you want. Make sure your image is large enough to be formatted to that size, however.

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it can be copied and pasted from the internet images of textile designs on powerpoint or word and printed out

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To have an image as your wallpaper it must be downloaded (technically by copying an image from the Internet you are downloading it) so just copy any image and set it as your wall paper.

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Where could a person download GIMP for Windows?

The GNU Image Manipulation Program can be downloaded from the downloads sections of GIMP's main website. Additional sources of GIMP on the internet includes CNet.

Is it copyright infringment if you make a venom marvel picture that you found on the internet and make it a poster?

Yes. You've infringed Marvel's exclusive right to copy the image first by downloading it, and again by printing it.

What is downloading?

Downloading refers to retrieving a file from another computer over the Internet. As you browse the Internet each page and image you view is something your browser has downloaded to your computer.

Why does my computer have tons of random pictures on it?

These pictures may be downloaded while you visit a website. This method is used so when you visit a website your Internet browser does not have to download the image files again. To delete this files look in your Internet browsers settings and choose 'Clear Cache'.

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Burn the downloaded iso image to disc. Boot from the disc....

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