Yes especially on the Kindle Fire. I recommend the fire. You can quickly and convienetly go through all the books you like. Its easy to use and completely affordable.
Yes, you do have to buy the books on a Kindle so you have books you like. But you can get free books on there too. But they are not all the books you may read.
Go to and under "shop all departments" (at the top right hand side of the screen) go to "kindle" and then "kindle books"
It really depends on the kindle. Amazon just released a new e-reader that can get apps and music and lots more but a regular kindle can only get some games, audio books and books. So the difference between a regular kindle and a tablet such as an iPad is that tablets get zillions of apps, music, and shows and has color. So there you go.
from what i have heard you can go on facebook but if not if you just get the kindle where you can just read books and also you can go on youtube but not wacth videos
The purpose of the Kindle is to allow the owner to read books. So, yes, you can read books on the Kindle.
There is a store on the kindle that you buy books from but over 1,000 books are free!
All Kindle books go to a single folder on your Kindle, named "documents". Amazon's said before that they don't intend on allowing users to create more folders.
To get books on your kindle or kindle fire, hook it up to the internet and buy the books on-line. Wait for them to download then enjoy.
Yes, I think that you should buy the Kindle first. After you get the kindle, then you can go and buy your coupons for her. She can then use the coupons you get her to buy her favorite books on her amazon Kindle. Hope I helped!
Yes, there are Russian books on the Amazon Kindle, but not every book that is offered on the Kindle is in another language. The best thing to do is go on Amazon and Search "Russian Kindle Book". It may not come up with very many answers, but there will be some.
You can go to to buy a book and download it to your Kindle. There are some free books there. An Amazon Prime membership will give you a free rental each month. Many public libraries have webpages where library card holders can "rent" Kindle books for free.
You can just simply go to a third-file sharing website and download. For you, I would want to check with Amazon first. Has the kindle appeared yet in China? If so, then China would have Chinese books for kindle.