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Yes. Tools > Settings > General > Personalisation > Home Screen > Mode Settings > Home Screen Applications. There you can set what shortcuts you want to show. If you don't want any to show, set homescreen from Active to Basic.

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How do you change the icons of Windows 7?

You right click the icon and click properties. Under the shortcuts tab you click "Change Icon" and select the icon you want.

What are the icon on desktop?

In the Windows operating system, desktop icons are shortcuts to programs that you can execute. To find out the program associated with an icon, right click on the icon and select Properties in the menu. In the dialog that pops up check the Location field.

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What is the icon of a boy and girl holding hands on your nokia?

in nokia, there is an icon of boy and girl holding hand. the slogan or motto of this company is "connecting people". so this icon symbolizes this motto that everyone is joined with their help without any kind of discrimination.

What is the basic difference between shortcuts and icons?

An icon is the picture that decorates a shortcut. The shortcut is a path to a file.

How do you get shortcuts off your desktop?

If you're using a PC, right click on your mouse, then hit delete. And that should delete the icon. However if you want to get rid of the program/software completely, you will have to uninstall it.

How does using shortcut menu benefits you?

Shortcuts (link files) are small files that contain a command line or URL (universal resource locator). They are provided as a convenience; the start menu alone would not be possible without shortcuts. Neither would your Recent Items or Favourites menus. Shortcuts have the file extension LNK (.lnk) and URL (.url). The shortcut menu exists to allow you to create your own shortcuts, however dragging an icon with the right-mouse button also allows you to create a shortcut wherever you drop the icon. The icon may be an executable or another shortcut. You can also drag web addresses from the icon on the far left of the address bar to create URL shortcuts.

How do you delete shortcuts on your Motorola bravo?

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How do you open TY Tube on your Ipod Touch?

Theres 2 ways 1st one is theres an icon called youtube on your homescreen. The other one is to go to safari and type in

What is basic difference between shortcuts and icons?

Shortcuts and icons have a few basic differences between the two. A shortcut can be deleted from one place and still stay in another space. An icon might only be in one area, unlike a shortcut. A shortcut uses use less memory, an icon uses much more memory.

How do change desktop shortcuts on your blackberry?

Click on the start button, then control panel, and then find an icon that says desktop shortcuts. Well, actually what you do is you figure out what application you want. Then you click on the menu button (the button next to call) and move the icon to the top row. This will knock off one application already there, so choose which you want to boot, it will be the last one, so rearrange till you get your preference. Then when returning to the home, you will see said icon there. I tried it and it works!