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Q: Can you function with only one left LUNG lobe?
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Which lung has the middle lobe?

Only the right lung has a middle lobe.

How many lobes do the right and left lung have?

The right lung contains three lobes. The left lobe only has two. Because of the heart on the left side, the left lung only has two lobes to make more room for the heart to pump on that side.

Which lung is bigger--your right or your left?

Your left lung is smaller. The right lung has three lobes: superior, middle and inferior. The left lung has only two lobes: the superior and inferior. The heart takes up the space that would have otherwise been used for a middle lobe on the left lung.

Are the 2 lungs the same?

The left lung only has 2 lobes (superior and inferior) because the heart takes up much of the space allowed on the left side. The right lung; however, has 3 lobes (Superior, Middle, and Inferior). Yes. The left lung is a little less voluminous than the right lung. It has two lobes, whereas the right lung has three. Its volume is displaced a bit more, by the location of the heart, than the right lung.

How many parts make up each lung?

Each lung has more than one "lobe" or section. The right lung has three, and the left lung has only two to leave room for the heart where the upper left lobe would be.

How do the seven lobes of the cat lung compare with humans?

A cat has 7 lobes of the lung. The right side has 3; the right apical, right cardiac, and right diaphragmatic. The left also has 3; the left apical, left cardiac, and left diaphragmatic. There is one lobe directly in between both sides called the intermediate lobe.

Which lung has the cardiac notch and lingula?

Only the left lung has these features.

Biliary drainage of caudate lobe of human liver?

Caudate lobe drains into Left and Right Hepatic ducts; don't get confused with the Quadrate lobe of the liver which drains only into the Left hepatic duct.

Why is the right lung in cattle bigger than the left lung?

well the right lung has 3 lobes and the left lung has only 2. its to give room for your heart.

Contrast left lung and right lung?

The left lung is slightly smaller than the right lung because 2/3 of the heart is located there. The left lung contains the cardiac notch, an indentation in the lung that surrounds the apex (pointed end) of the heart. The smaller left lung only has 2 lobes, the superior and inferior.

How many lobes does a fetal pig have in the liver?

"The right lung of a pig has 4 lobes, and the left has 2 or 3 (the number can differ). The reason for the lobe differences is that the heart is positioned further to the left hand side, and the interference of other internal organs prevents the left lung from growing into the thoracic cavity as the right lung does.I dissected a fetal pig last semester, and still had my lab book laying around, so there you go. :c)Source(s):Perry, Morton, Perry. Laboratory Manual for General Biology, 5 ed. Published by Thomson, Brooks/Cole, 2007." quotated from:

What is RML pneumonia?

RML Pneumonia is "Right Middle Lobe" Pneumonia. The right lung has three lobes; the upper, middle, and lower. The left lung on the other hand only has two lobes; the upper and lower. RML Pneumonia refers to the location in the lung of the pneumonia, and not the virus or bacterial type itself.