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Yes. In the wild, rats and mice are omnivores meaning that they eat both animal matter and plant matter. They both will eat insects of all kinds. Rats even eat smaller animals such as mice. As pets, they can eat mealworms and other bugs as long as they're store bought. Do not feed them stuff that you find outside because it could be carrying diseases and parasites.

Be careful when feeding mealworms though. They're high in fat and protein which too much can be bad. I recommend only feed this as a treat. They're main diet should be a good lab block such as Oxbow Regal Rat, Harlan Teklad, or Mazuri Rat and Mouse Diet. This should be supplemented with fresh fruits and veggies daily. Do not feed them seed/pellet mixes because they are incomplete diets and do not satisfy their nutritional needs.

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Q: Can you feed your pet mice dead mealworms?
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Can you buy dead mice i dont want to feed live mice to my pet?

ask in your local pet store as most have them frozen if not they should know a place that do. p.s if your pet is a snake it would be good to give them alive mice every once and a while to stimulate them as they would hunt and eat live mice in the wild.

If you catch a mouse in your house can you then feed it to your pet snake?

Of course you can feed it to your pet snake. it would be happy to get live food once in a while. Unless its a pet mouse of a family member or something. you can still feed it to your pet snake, but I'd bet that family member wouldn't like that. /Poyoyun - forgot to login >.<

Can mice eat mealworms?

Yes. In the wild, mice will sometimes catch and eat bugs. I even heard of a friend's pet mouse pouncing on and devouring a spider that wandered into the cage! As it is rich in protein you should only feed a mealworm to a mouse as a treat, maybe once a week.

What problems would you have looking after pet snake?

Having to feed it little baby mice

What do you feed a baby Garden snake over night?

if you can not provide mice, you can feed it about three small worms twice weekly. how much it will eat depends on the temperature it is stored in.

What do you feed your 2 wild pet mice?

they eat any house food.... but you can give them cheese! --melissa

Do mice eat crocodile?

No!! Not in nature. However, if you would like to feed crocodile meat to your pet mice, just cut the crocodile up into tiny pieces and the mice will be happy to eat it.

How long can mice go without food?

I let my daughter have 2 pet mice. she forgot to feed them and they were dead within 4 days. this said though, they were in a very warm room and the heat may have not helped. they did not attempt to eat each other though, which i found interesting.

Why does Lennie want to keep the dead mouse of mice and men novel?

He wants to pet it with his thumb

Can Salamanders eat Mealworms?

Yes because it can eat crickets and mealworms if it is a house pet or not but i prefer mealworms,they work better.Make sure they're alive!

Can pet mice like peanut butter?

Yes pet mice absolutley LOVE peanut butter however dont feed it to them too frequently just give it to them as a treat every once in a while they also like peanuts