

Can viruses be crystallize

Updated: 9/25/2023
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8y ago

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yes, they can

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Dawson Beatty

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2y ago
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Q: Can viruses be crystallize
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Can you use the word crystallize in a sentence?

Her eyeballs will crystallize if she keeps them open. In fact her eyes wont crystallize they will just dry out but i can put it in a sentence: I think it is possible to crystallize fruit if you have the right equipment

What is another word for crystallize?

Another word for crystallize is solidify.

A sentence with the word crystallize?

The sugar in honey will often crystallize on the sides of the jar.

Why do rocks cool and crystallize?

Not all rocks do cool and crystallize, your question is meaningless.

Can rocks crystallize?

Yes, when exposed to salt water for a period of time, then they can crystallize.

How do crystals crystallize?

That is the correct US spelling of "crystallize" (also crystalize). The UK spelling is crystallise.

How do iodide table salt and kosher salt crystallize?

Salt crystallize in a face-centered cubic system.

Minerals that crystallize directly from seawater are examples of?

Minerals that crystallize directly from seawater are examples of evaporite minerals. These minerals form when seawater evaporates, leaving behind dissolved minerals that precipitate and crystallize into minerals like gypsum, halite, and calcite. Evaporite minerals are commonly found in areas with high rates of evaporation, such as salt flats and arid regions.

What type of sediments form from minerals that crystallize from water?

Evaporites are a type of sediment that form from minerals crystallizing from water. This process occurs when the water containing dissolved minerals evaporates, leaving behind the minerals in solid form. Common examples of evaporites include gypsum, halite, and calcite.

What is hydrogenous sediments made of?

minerals that crystallize directly from ocean waters

What do you call it when minerals crystallize?


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