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Files are hidden
When scanning or uploading images into iPERMS (the Interactive Personnel Electronic Records Management System), the accepted file type is typically JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) or JPG. These file formats are commonly used for photographs and other image files, making them compatible with iPERMS.
Don't know how it actually does it, but you can only save layered images in format that supports them. ie: photoshop native files .PSD or layered TIFFs. Jpegs can not be saved with layers.
Making a backup
An exe is a file which is run by the computer. It is not a data file. You can not take it apart. It does not contain separate files per se although it may liink to several separate files within the computer such as dll files.
Yes you can, the torrent is a separate file from the files you download through it.
The printing of documents on two sides
Offline Files
Which education benefit is available to a taxpayer who files married filing separately
Windows XP folders are also known as directories
No, changing your RAM will not affect your files. Your files are stored on your hard drive, which is a separate piece of hardware from the RAM. Once you shut down your system, your files are safely stored on the hard drive, so adding new RAM or replacing old RAM will have no effect on your files.