Yes horses can eat raw eggs, they are an excellent muscle builder and conditioner. Eggs do contain an anti-vitamin though and should not be feed constantly, but are a valuable addition to the diet of a horse in good condition. You can feed 6 a day for 3 or 4 days.
raw eggs aren't good for any diet.
raw eggs raw eggs
Yes but not raw eggs.
Yes, many people enjoy raw eggs.
Never eat raw eggs because it could be dangerous. Raw eggs could give you salmonella disease.
Raw eggs carry salmonella, a bacteria. Therefore, they should not be eaten raw because it can cause a widespread bacterial infection. As well, many horse breeding / horse rearing experts say horses cannot eat eggs because it does not agree with their digestive systems. So horses should never eat eggs, no matter whether it is the eve of a US holiday. Perhaps give 1 cube of sugar instead and let the horse wear a red, white, and blue sash from its saddle, so it can join in the festivities on July 4th.
You should never eat raw eggs regardless of blood pressure. By eating raw eggs you increase your chance of catching salmonella. Always cook the eggs before you eat them. If you are trying to avoid cooking them in oil or butter try them poached.
Raw egg white is not good for you. You run the risk of salmonella from eating raw eggs. This can make you very sick. You should only eat cooked eggs.
Yep. sure can. and most horses love it but some dont care for it.
If there are no eggs in it, then sure!
Not if you eat the yolk but the whites are healthy
A dash of tobasco.