that is a common misconception you see dogs can't see 2d objects like an image on a picture but dogs most certainly can See out of windows
Yes, the purpose of windows in a house is to see through the glass, get light, and get air through open windows.
Translucent windows allow some light to pass through but obscure the view, providing privacy while still allowing natural light in. Transparent windows allow light to pass through and provide a clear view of the outside, offering no privacy.
Yes. It's sometimes used in windows. Google 'alabaster windows'.
letting some light through. you can't see clearly through. like you can see pefectly through a window but you can't see really clear through tinted windows.
They had not yet developed the ability to see through walls
Tammy Archer
Glass is see through and is better quality than plastic. Plastic is not as see through as glass anyway.
yes. they do don't you see them sticking their heads out of the windows. -armaan
glass, windows really anything that you can see through.
It was hard to see through the opaque windows.