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No you cannot here a mouse fart they are tiny rodents there farts are SBD (Silent but deadly

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Q: Can anyone hear a mouse fart?
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Yes birds do fart. The reason you do not hear it or smell it is because their diet doesn't make smelly gas and you do not hear birds fart because they do not have any butt cheeks.

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I would say that you HEAR a fart first if its LOUD enough. if not loud will definitely smell it first. It just depends on your skill of farting. :)

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How far can a owl hear a mouse.?

It depends on the type of owl but generaly an owl can hear a mouse from about 23 meters

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you put a mouse in a mouse wheel you give the mouse old cheese so when it fart it runs faster this is called mouserunnenrgy !

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A mouse lemur uses its ears to hear.

How far away can you hear a fart?

The distance a fart can be heard depends on factors such as the volume and environment. In general, a normal fart can be heard within a few feet but usually not much farther unless it is exceptionally loud.