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definitely. Rabbits are very social, and get along easily with other peaceful animals. Just make sure the mouse is good with the arrangement

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Q: Can a rabbit and a mouse live in the same cage?
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Mice and gerbils live in the same cage?

No. The gerbil will eat the mouse

Can you put a new mouse in the same cage with another mouse?

You can put a new mouse in the same cage as another, but if your mouse prefers living alone, don't put the mouse in the cage. The older mouse should be better off solitary.

Can a boy and girl rabbit live in the same cage without having babies?

If they're spayed / neutered, yes.

What if you have 2 females in the same cage and they pull hair out of each other and not each other what should be done?

You must be talking about A rodent, I.E. Rabbit, Rat, Mouse? Seperate them.

If you put a mouse in another mouse cage with a mouse there will they fight?

if you don't buy the male mice at the same time while their in the same cage they would fight bitterly but 2 females might not have a problem with each other but the safest way to get 2 mice at a time is from the same cage.

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Can you put a mouse with babies in the same cage with another mouse with babies?

no they will fight, and some babies may die.

Were does a female rabbit live?

Same place as a male rabbit

Can you put a girl hamster in the same cage as a boy mouse without fights or mateing?


Can mice have babies on their own?

As long as there is one male mouse and one female mouse in the same cage there will most likely be babies.

How do you bred mice?

Get a female mouse and male mouse, keep them in the same cage, they are likely to mate or breed if they're alone together.

Is it wise to put a mouse and a gerbil in the same cage?

Probably not. But I read a book in my school library about gerbils and the author of it said that one of his friends put a gerbil and a mouse together in a cage and they worked out OK.