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Some ROM chips, especially "Flash ROMs", can be rewritten by the user, often without special tools. Most ROMs are immutable, however.

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Q: Can ROM be rewritten by the computer user?
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ROM chip can it be modified?

No, it cannot be modified, removed, or rewritten by a computer user.

Why it is called ROM Read only memory when it can store memory?

You as a user of the computer can not write information to the ROM. Your computer uses the information placed in the ROM to execute functions. You can only change the information in ROM by installing a firmware update, software supplied by the computers manufacturer.

The definition for ROM ram eprom eeprom?

ROM: Read Only Memory, Memory that can only be read, it cannot be rewritten. RAM: Random Access Memory, it's a kind of memory that can be read and rewritten many times, it loses its information when it loses power.

What is the function of RAM and ROM to a computer?

RAM - Random access memory, storage for programs to store information. ROM - Read only memory, very important information that is unlikely to ever need changing such as basic computer boot setup.However in ram viruses are easily to detect than in ROM.RAM is basically understood by the user and ROM is basically understood by the computer the command which is given by user is converted in such a language which can easily understood by the computer

How much Ram and Rom does the computer system have?

If I was to purchase a computer that is a average desktop computer how much RAM and Rom should I have?

Can virus effect the ROM of a computer?

no, ROM cannot be wriitten

Is ROM an optional extra on a computer?

ROM stands for Read only memory. Its not extra on your computer. Operating System cannot load into Ram from hard disk without help of Rom. Rom contains instructions which are used to start a computer

Which type of ROM is used in pen drive?

EEPROM because it can programmed and re rewritten any number of times by electric charge .

Is data easier to change in rom or ram?

ROM (Read Only Memory) contains the data necessary to start the booting process, and is put there by the manufacturer. It is not meant to be altered by the user. RAM (Random Access Memory) is the volatile memory the computer user is meant to use in processing data. It is volatile as, unless the data is saved to the hard-drive before closing down the computer, the data is lost.

Does computers memory consist of Rom?

No dear computer don't have ROM

Can a virus affect the ROM of a computer?

It shouldn't affect the ROM - ROM stands for Read Only Memory. The data in the ROM was written at the manufacturing stage of the computer, and viruses shouldn't be able to affect it.

Is Rom helpful in starting the computer?

Yes ROM is the memory that holds everything that tells your computer how to actually start up.