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VIZIO internet Apps allows you to hook up internet to your HD television. What you can view on your television may not be as versatile as with home internet but it offers a wide range of internet usage.

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Q: Can I replace my computer with my TV?
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Computer can replace newspapers and television?

Yes. You can read newspapers online as a pdf and you can see full episodes of most TV shows.

Where can I get my TV screen fixed?

The best place that will fix television screens is at the local Future Shop. At Future Shop, they have specialists that will repair or replace broken computer monitors, iPads, iPhones and television screens.

What is the computer component to turn your computer into a tv called?

if you mean to connect it to a tv and your computer and tv has a monitor port you can use that

Is it worth you buying a computer monitor if you already have a tv?

if your computer can plug into your tv and is good quality then its not worth buying a computer monitor however if you cannot connect to your tv then you will need a computer monitor

Is computer older then tv?

No, there's no exact year for when television or the computer were invented, (depends on your definition of the two,) but TV definitely came before the computer.

What does a TV tuner in a desktop computer enable you to do?

A TV tuner in a desktop computer enables one to connect a TV to the computer. One can watch TV shows and movies on a computer and record programs for future viewing, too.

When can you open your monitor to service it?

You should NEVER try to open up a computer monitor and service it yourself. Computer monitors and TVs have very high voltage capacitors inside them which can electrocute you even when the unit is unplugged. If the monitor seems repairable, take it to a professional. Otherwise just replace it.

Are there any DVR's that can installed in a computer?

DVR can be replicated by adding a TV tuner to your computer to allow you to use your computer to watch TV.

Should you buy a computer or TV?

A TV Because You Can Watch Telly On Your Computer x

Compare and contrast between computer and television?

a tv have a remote a computer h@vekeybords

is this a computer compatible TV?

Yes, there is a connection port on the TV that you are able to connect your computer.

What did TVs replace?
