

Best Answer

It is possible, theoretically, yes, but that was long ago.

Use an Intel Mac or if you have an older or PPC (Power-PC, now called Power-ISA),

You can get something called Q(Emulator) which allows for running Windows (aka; 'Win32') Programs on a Mac (non-Intel) computer.

They call it Q or Qemu, either way do a quick Google search, you can find it all over the web and ._t.o.r.r.e.n.t*s too.

(T0rrents can be highly illegal in a way, especially if you use them to download movies without paying, or payed software free, etc. It all depends on what you use them for. Many places consider torrents to be taboo, so I highly indulge you to keep away from this option, only use it as a last resort)!


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Q: Can An emulation card can be added to a Macintosh that allows it to run Windows programs?
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