

Are mice nocternal

Updated: 10/3/2023
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14y ago

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Yes, they are, if you have a pet one they do sleep quite a while throughout the day but can be waken up to play. It's hard to believe, they don't seem like it because usually in the day they're roaming around there cage, They're not necessarily as nocturnal as something like, say..bats.

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14y ago
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11y ago

Rats and mice are sometimes thought to be nocturnal, but they are not. It's true that they sleep a lot during the day, but that is because they are most active at twilight and at dawn. The word "crepuscular" describes animals that are active at twilight and dawn.

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13y ago

My thought is that there are many things that like to eat mice, so maybe over a period of many years mice learned that its better to go out at night in the dark where hopefully nothing will see you.

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do mice only come out at night

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In some places, yes.

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