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Yes. :)

They are very good mothers and take care of their babies well- they feed them, make sure they are warm, and make sure that they don't leave the nest until they're old enough to do so safely.

A mother mouse may kill one of her babies if it is a runt or has some other defect (often that we are not aware of). If her litter is just too big for her to take care of, she may kill a few of the babies to make sure that the rest get properly fed and cared for. Usually this does not happen unless the litter is greater than about 13 or 14.

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Q: Are female mice good mothers
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Do female mice need to be nutered?

I really hope your joking, but no females, of any species, are spayed. Males, of any species, are nutered. You would only have your female mice spayed if they are around males and you don't want them to have baby mice, but good luck finding a vet to spay your mice.

How long do baby mice need to be with there mothers?

4 weeks

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A female mouse is called a doe.

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Male sexual organs which produce sperm. Sperm are what fertilise a female's egg as a result of sexual intercourse.

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Mice are actually very clean. Male mice do produce a strong smell, but female mice have no detectable smell at all.

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Sorry they don't. Only rats, mice and most rodents do. Most dogs are good mothers. They don't eat there babies.

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No, but if they are male mice they will fight for dominance

Do female mice eat male mice not including their young?

No!Mice only eat seeds etc. and small insects.

Are tame fancy rats usually good pets?

Yes very good pets I have one and I love him. Just notice that Mice are nocturnal and if you don't want them to be lazy and sleep during the day than i suggest playing with them a lot or putting them in their ball, if you do not own a ball they are very cheap at the following places, WalMart, Pet Smart, and maybe your local pet store. Most mice do have diseases but Fancy mice have very little that will not harm human. It is better if you get 2 mice because they get very lonely mostly female and female are better if you get male and female they will have babies real quick so i suggest female and female. (no they will not fight) Fancy Mice are not expensive the one I got was $3 but the cage was $25 that's not very much. Male mice get urine on the cage bars(don't ask me why I'm only 11) But is stinks so it is better to get females. Fancy Mice are kid friendly and do not bite*************************** I Hope This Helped!!*******************

Do female mice stink i wonna no can you tell me i wonna no do female mice stink?

Yes they stink, I have a friend who had two females and she said they stank bad!