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Q: Are carbon copy recipients able to see who the main recipients are?
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What does CC stand for in emails?

cc stands for carbon is used when you want someone else or other people to receive the email because it may be pertinent to them but they are not the direct main recipients of it.

In an email what does CC mean and how is it used?

Carbon Copy. If you put an e-mail address in that line that person will get a copy of the e-mail. BCC is Blind Carbon Copy, if you put someone's e-mail in that line, they will receive a copy of the e-mail but their address will be hidden by other recipients of the e-mail.

Email sent to multiple recipiens using cc and Bcc?

Hi all,This is what I know about Cc and Bcc in an e-mail communication:Cc (Carbon Copy ) - makes difference between your main(s) recipients(s) and the and an other one who needs a copy (may need to be informed) of that e-mail but he is not required to participate or respond.Bcc (Blind Carbon Copy) - is reserved for the recipient who should not see the others contacts.Please correct if I'm wrong,Cheers,RV.

Do you put your Email address or receivers Email address in the Cc field when sending an Email?

Receivers - pre computer/email, CC was the acronym for "carbon copy". This was the second copy of an original letter, sent to another person(s) for information purposes (produced by putting carbon paper between the letterhead (top copy) and the carbon copy). In the arena of computing, CC is still used to send a "copy" of the email to other persons who are not usually expected to act upon it's contents, it is merely to advise them that the email has been sent to the main recipient. The BCC (Blind Carbon Copy) section is for the same reason but, whereas the CC is visible to all recipients the bcc is invisible to everyone.

What does cc stands for in a email?

It means 'carbon copy' - the person you 'cc' will get an exact copy of whatever you send to the main recipient-hope that helps!

What is cc and Bcc in email?

Someone you include in the CC (carbon copy) will get a full version of the message, but they are not the intended audience, and all other people will be able to see them. A BCC (blind carbon copy) is similar except that no one will know that they get the message.

What cc in email?

"CC" in email stands for "carbon copy." When you CC someone on an email, they receive a copy of the email for their information, but they are not the main recipient. It is often used to keep others informed or involved in the conversation.

When more than one person is to receive a copy of the letter How can this be indicated?

In business letters the recipients of copies are listed under the main recipient and indicated by cc: (as in an e-mail)

Does it matter which one of the Cc or Bcc fields I use to enter the email addresses of additional recipients?

BCC means blind courtesy copy the main recipient will not see the other email addresses.

What does cc and bcc mean in emailing terms?

CC stands for courtesy copy used for addressees that are not intended as primary ones and BCC for blind courtesy copy for hidden addressees.

What is the TO BCC CC means when sending an email?

CC refers to carbon copies - from the days when letters were typed out using manual typewriters and copies were made, while typing, using carbon papers. So CC refers to people, other than the main addressees, who will also get a copy. BCC refers to "Blind CC". These are people who will receive copies but their names will not appear in the list of recipients so nobody else will know that they have been copied in.

What are the main uses for a credit card imprinter?

A credit card imprinter is capable of taking a carbon copy image of a credit card. Its main use is in situations where the magnetic strip is not recognized.