With a DMM (Digital Multi Meter)
A digital multi meter is what is used to find electric current. A block diagram shows all of the working parts of the multi meter and how they are connected.
multi-meter is a measuring instrument. multi meter is available in two types. Digital and analog.multi-meter is a multi purpose measuring instrument.we can check resistence,voltage,current &contunuityof a cunducting wire. even we can check the diode,transistor.
analog is a D'arsonal movement (an indicator needle over a scaled background) and a digital meter is a LCD display that has no movement
On a digital multi-meter the black lead connects to the common (COM) port in the meter.
Digital testers offer usually more testing options than an analog meter. They also tend to be more accurate in their readings.
get your self a digital multi meter put the leads on the battery it should be reading 12 volts then start the bike and the multi meter should read around 13 to 14 volts.
Something won't work. One can test any fuse with a VOM (volt-ohm-meter) or DMM (digital multi-meter)
by using a Digital Multi meter just check the voltage and it will also give you the sign with the voltage value
And analog multi-tester will have a meter, battery, and switch. The meter is the part that can show the conversion of analog to digital or simply act as an analog display. The battery is the power source and the switch is the part that allows you to select the specific function of the multi-tester.
There are several advantages of digital over analogue multi-tester. The digital multi tester has improved accuracy and is very simple to use unlike the analogue type. .
There are many places where one could purchase a digital multimeter. Argos, Harbor Freight Tools, and Amazon offer this item. Alternatively one could go to the local Sears store.