The ticker symbol for Apple is AAPL.
The ticker symbol for Apple, Inc. (formerly Apple Computer, Inc.) is AAPL and it is traded on the Nasdaq.
When investing in stocks it is important to know the ticker symbol of each company. The Apple stock ticker symbol is AAPL.
There is no such thing as a stock symbol for itunes since it is not a publicly traded company but a software by Apple Inc. (AAPL).
Apple's stock symbol is "AAPL" and is traded on NASDAQ.
Ticker: APPL Trades on NASDAQ
if you mean "apple computers", it's "AAPL".
AAPL is the stock ticker symbol for Apple Inc.
The iphone is a product of Apple Incorporated and trades under the stock symbol of AAPL.
Valor: 908440 / ISIN: US0378331005
To view the current price of Apple stock (ticker symbol AAPL) use the related link below.
It doesn't really mean anything it's just a unique identification code!