PC Compatible
The term you want is PC: personal computer. This architecture implies operation under the Disk Operating System -- DOS, written by Microsoft. Many other vendors now manufacture PCs that all operate under a Microsoft operating system. In addition, the Linux operating system can operate a PC.
which it company sold off its personal computer division to a china based company
It is based on the original M17 design with some alterations and improvements. For instance the newer mouse has a better ergonomic design to fit a users hand and palm more comfortably.
Her original design was based off a manga about Sonic in 1993 and her current design was made in 1998.
Generally speaking, Microsoft created the Windows Operating System, and computers that use Windows as their OS are considered PCs or Personal Computers. The term: "PC" was coined by IBM when they created the "Personal Computer". PC now relates to Intel-based computers and Microsoft happens to be the main Operating System provider that is Intel-based.
Looks like it's based on the original design. But of course there will be improvements and more detail.
The MITS Altair 8800 was a microcomputer design from 1975, based on the Intel 8080 CPU and sold as a mail-order kit. Today the Altair is widely recognized as the spark that led to the personal computer revolution.
Jon von Neumann designed the first computer virus in 1949. His design was based on his theories about a self-reproducing computer program.
most are based upon the basic blowback design while as the original was made to be a bliss lock
The application that runs on a personal computer in a network and which is not available to others in a network.
system real time business engineering and scientific embedded personal computer Artificial Intelligence network based