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You don't have to bother with positioning in the file.

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Q: Advantages of sequential file in c?
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What are the advantages and disadvantages of sequential file organizations?

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What are the advantages and disadvantages of sequential file?

fxdhgjy ghjgvvh vvhbbhc jhbgjb bbcckjgk vlgk vkj

What are the advantages and disadvantages of indexed-sequential file organization?

Advantages of indexed-sequential file organization include efficient access to records through an index and sequential storage for faster retrieval. However, disadvantages may include increased complexity in managing the index and potential performance degradation due to index maintenance overhead.

What are the advantages and disadvantages sequential access?

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What are the advantages of indexed-sequential file organisation?

Indexed-sequential file organization allows for efficient storage and retrieval of records by combining the benefits of sequential access (fast for batch processing) and direct access (quick for individual record retrieval). It provides faster access to records compared to purely sequential files while maintaining sequential organization for improved batch processing performance. The index allows for quick access to specific records without needing to search through the entire file.

What is the difference between the file maintenance and file organization?

file organization is of 3 types sequential,direct and indexed sequential where how data is accessed in eash file is decided where as file maintainence is

What are sequential access files?

The file(s) (data) which are accessed in a sequential or a orderly manner is called as a sequentially accessing a file.

What is a indexed sequential file?

An indexed sequential file is a type of file organization where data records are stored sequentially in the order of key values. An index is maintained to help locate records quickly. This combination of sequential storage and indexing allows for efficient access to data in both sequential and random access patterns.

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What is the disadvantage of sequential file organization?

One disadvantage of sequential file organization is that it can be slow for locating and accessing specific records, as the entire file must be scanned sequentially from the beginning to find the desired data. Additionally, inserting or deleting records in a sequential file can be inefficient and may require reorganizing the entire file.

A computer can move directly to any file on an?

7. A computer can move directly to any file on a(n) ___________ access device. a. random b. optical c. laser d. sequential the answer is a. =]

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