dots per inch
dots per inch
No, DPI is an acronym for "dots per inch", a measurement of resolution of various graphical input and output devices.
Dots per inch
DPI - is an acronym for 'dots per inch'. It usually relates to the resolution of the printed output from printers, or the input resolution of scanners.
DPI stands for Dots Per Inch, and is used to set the quality of printing, or to compare the quality of different printers.
"DPI" stands for dots per inch. It measures the resolution of a printed page by counting the number of individual dots that can be placed in one linear inch. The higher the DPI, the finer and more detailed the print quality.
Dot Per Inch (DPI)
Dot Per Inch (DPI)
DPI stands for Dots Per Inch.....
1200 dpi because dpi stands for dot per inch, there for 1200 dpi gives 1200 dots per inch instead of 600 dpi only giving 600 dots per inch thus 1200 dpi gives a better resolution