

Best Answer

Dissenter, objector, protester.

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Q: A word for a person who openly disagrees?
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Related questions

What part of speech is the word disagrees?

Disagrees is a verb.

What part of speech is disagrees?

Disagrees is a present tense verb (third person singular).

How do you get a person who disagrees with you to not like you?

Be extremely rude to them

What part of speech is the word openly?

Openly is an adverb.

What part of speech is the word disagreed?

Disagrees is a verb.

What part of speech is the word disagree?

Disagrees is a verb.

Who was the first openly gay person in the world?

The first openly gay person in the world was Wisconsin's Tammy Baldwin.

What is the antonym for the word openly?


A sentence with the word disagree in it?

Gabriella disagrees with me about playing the game capture the flag.

What are disssenter?

A dissenter is a type of person that disagrees or dissents. These disagreements can be with beliefs, opinions, and the like.

What is a religious dissenter?

A person who disagrees with the dominant religion, or who may disagree with all religions.

What does defying means?

The word defy is a verb and it means to openly resist.