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Q: A type of communications device that connects a communications channel to a sending or receiving device?
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What involves cell membrane receiving and sending messages?

a protein forming a channel for an ion

What are example of a prohibited use of government communications system?

Sending or receiving e-mail for commercial or financial gain.

What is the process called when communications protocol determines how receiving devices acknowledge signals from sending devices?

A dedicated link between devices

What does telegraphed mean?

an apparatus, system, or process for transmitting messages or signals to a distant place, especially by means of an electric device consisting essentially of a sending instrument and a distant receiving instrument connected by a conducting wire or other communications channel

What is the purpose of network technologies?

The purpose of network technologies is to enable the sending and receiving of communications from people all around the world allowing them to share information.

What is the definition of electronics and communications engg?

'Defination' is not correct. The definition of electronic and communication engineering is engineering aimed at processing, sending and receiving data in understandable forms.

What can serve as sending and receiving devices in a communications system?

1.) Mainframe and computer servers 2.) Desktop computers and notebook computers 3.) Smart phones

Can serve as sending and receiving devices in a communications system?

1.) Mainframe and computer servers 2.) Desktop computers and notebook computers 3.) Smart phones

Is the spinal cord the brain of the brain?

Nope! The spinal cord connects the brain to the rest of the nervous system in the body, sending and receiving signals. It is a conduit, nothing more.

What are the elements of transactional model?

A transactional communication model depicts communicators as sending and receiving messages simultaneously. It includes communicators, encoding, decoding, and the channel.

What is the phone attachment that enables the sending and receiving of files?

E-mail enables the sending and receiving of files.

What are the steps involved in the telecommunications process?

Sending computer system and equipment ( sending unit transmits a signal)to a modem ( that can perform many tasks)telecommunications ( medium is any material that carries a electronic signal to support communications )to another modem ( connected to the receiving device )the receiving unit ( receives the signal )the process is reversed.