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void main()


FILE *fp;

char name[20],ch;

char *roll;

fp=fopen("specifies file path","w");




printf("input roll_no");


printf("\ninput student name");






printf("you want to continue y/n");





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Q: A C program to store students record in a file?
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How to store the file in array variable using perl?

As simple as that. If your Perl is in: /usr/bin/perl, then just copy and paste the text below in a file (e.g., make executable (chmod u+x and execure this (./ . I hope my comments will allow you to adapt this small script according to your needs. ---- #!/usr/bin/perl ########################### #### This is how you open the file #### ########################### # First define the "record delimiter", if you wish. Options: # $/ = "\n" # One line is one record! This is the default, no need to be defined. # $/ = "\n\n" # An enpty line is the record delimiter (useful for mail headers, etc.) # $/ = "you_name_it!" # According to your specific problem. # try opening the file for reading and associate it with the # "File Pointer" FP. If you fail the msg below will be printed # and the program will halt. open (FP, '/etc/hosts') or die('Cannot open file for reading'); ################################# #### This is how you store the file in arrary #### ################################# # Read the file; here record=line. my @records = ; # and do not forget to close FP close FP; ####################### #### This is how you test it #### ####################### # Print them, just for testing foreach my $record (@records) { chomp $record; # Get rid of the trailing "\n" that apears in each line $record = "[$record]"; # Wrap the record in [] for the sake of presentation print "$record\n"; } ----

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