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The form factor can be determined without opening the case. The form factor can be established based on the shape of the case.

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Q: 5 Is it possible to determine the form factor without opening the case?
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Is it possible to find the form factor without opening the case?

Of course not

Is it Possible To Determine Form Factor Without Opening The Case?

yes and no, probably not the answer you wanted. Yes because if its a full size case, then any ATX form factor will work (BTX will not though). To determine this, its best to check the case online, but depending on the case or system manufacturer (if you got an HP or Dell for example) you may have to look at their website and probably not find anything for the form factor. Since the motherbaord is the main determinant of a form factor, you have to open the case before you can determine the form factor. Unless the manufacturer tags the details of the motherboard along with the case. which is rarely seen. Also most cases easily show the type but that is not enough to determine the form factor.

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You determine all numbers that will can be divided evenly (without a remainder) into the object numbers. The highest number doing that is the common factor.

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This is called a factor. Factors, by definition, are numbers you can multiply together to get another number, or a product.

How do you calculate HCF?

HCF stands for the Highest Common Factor. To determine this, you find the highest number possible that can be divide each of the two numbers in a fraction.

How can you test to determine if a factor is a factor of another number?

Divide the factor into the number. If the answer is a whole number, the factor is a factor.

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There's not enough information to determine that.

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