That is 3.1745 tablespoons.
That is 47.248 tablespoons.
8 tablespoons
It equals 2.5ounces
10 tablespoons equates to five fluid ounces.
1 ounce equals 2 tablespoons. 3 ounces equals 6 tablespoons.
Eight tablespoons equals four fluid ounces.
4 ounces since there are 2 tablespoons in an ounce.
2 fluid ounces is equal to approximately 4 tablespoons.
There are 8.6 tablespoons in 4.3 fluid ounces. This is because 1 fluid ounce is equivalent to 2 tablespoons.
6 fluid ounces = 12 tablespoons.
40 Tablespoons [US] = 20 ounces [US, liquid] Source: