split movie down in small sections - render each bit at a time - then put all renders together and render complete project.
I once had to render a 1hr video into small 1min sections then render all 1min sections together.
Found if using cannon or dig SLR camera 'movie' - sony can find hard to render in 1 go.
Snopes has declared the "free Sony Ericsson Laptop" giveaway to be false. There are some companies that state you will win a free Sony laptop for completing certain offers. These sites are not affiliated with Sony in any way and should be checked out thoroughly before signing up for anything or completing any "offers".
Uh..yes it does i have sony and it does have it
$50 ithink. should confirm Actually, a Sony Aibo ERS7 costs £1000 + ( $2000 + )
sony car asteros
A Sony Vaio computer can be bought easily online from such indirect retailers as eBay or Kijiji, though it would be best to buy one from direct retailers for quality assurance such as Sony or Amazon (which ships directly from the manufacturer or retailer).
Because you are prewieing it with bat guality. You can change it lookin tuto in youtube
I think that Sony Vegas is just a Windows download. Correct me if I'm wrong.
All depends on what you want to do with it after rendering. EG. youtube, DVD, harddrive storage ect. Recomend you render movies to best settings - then convert to other settings (eg. MP4). Then back up good render for keeping.
if its in the video it should play as long as its right under the video track, if not render the video and see, sometimes this can be trial and error.
Sony Vegas movie studio hd platinum suite is better! You get the DVD authoring program, sound editing software plus extras!
Think its sony Vegas 8.0 :P
Sony Vegas "Movie Studio 8" does not let you mask. A Easy Solution That Is Free!, is To download "Inkscape" ( free adobe InDesign/Photoshop Cs3 Program) there you can easily create a lightsaber then import it into Sony Vegas. "Sony Vegas Pro 8.0" however will allow masking
I use windows movie maker, but some people use Sony Vegas. Movie maker is free but Sony Vegas is about 500 bucks
Windows User: On Sony Vegas click File, then Render As, click on the drop down menu and save as .avi then go to windows movie maker and import it. Then publish it so that it goes to .wmv file. Then go to youtube and upload. Mac or Apple or Linux User: On Sony Vegas click File, then Render As, and save it as .avi. Then google "media converter" and choose the converter of your choice. Click on Browse, find your file, then select your output as .wmv and upload on to youtube. OR ON WINDOWS YOU CAN JUST SAVE IT AS AN AVI FILE AND UPLOAD IT.....
the higher the quality you render the longer it will take to render as you're making the computer do more work, but on the plus side the better or newer the computer the faster.
Sony Vegas 9 Platinum does not, but Sony Vegas Pro does
It can't render the video... It's to advanced. Try Sony Vegas