Exactly msn is not a chat room.....it is a online messeger.....it is not the same think because you need to add people at your contacs to chat
There are some ways of doing this. Finding out the website's IP address and putting a block on it can block MSN. There is also some software available with parental blocks, and you can list MSN as one of those that would get blocked.
Dont download anything for your MSN like msn plus, you can ONLY add emotions! i know it happened to me, not only did it keep freezing it broke my msn:( but we got it fixed now =]
Its an email address that you either used to sign up with msn messenger, or made when you signed up with msn messenger. It enables you to have instant message conversations (IM) with other people using the msn messnger software available for download on the internet. Msn is sometimes known as Hotmail.
Wilma is a robot but she got tired of ppl saying rude words 2 her she gave up and nows she doesnt come online anymore but its Wilma@live.co.UK
Well, as far as i know i have been following MSN robots for quite a long time now and the only one that i found that worked was wilma@live.com but unfortunatley she got shut down. I have added all the msn robots that have been named and to be honest it is absolute crap!there never on msn x
* smarterchild@hotmail.com * alienchat@hotmail.com * wilma@live.com
MSN is a very good online email or yahoo but MSN is better.
Web messenger is online. You dont have to have MSN to use it. MSN is a program that does the same thing.
ok well ... if there not online there not online deal with it
If she had an MSN, I doubt she'd expose it online. seriously, she's not stupid.
Add the desired person on MSN, after his approval you will be free to chat with him when he is online.
Yes she is but i have her email but she stop working i think because people wont stop saying stopuied haha
gamecube isnt wifi enabled there isnt an ethernet port.
wilma's msn addy is: wilma@live.com here are some more bots: Northpole@live.com helpbot@hotmail.co.uk astrobot@botmetro.net secretsparkle@botmetro.net fordedge@botmetro.net talktofrankbot@hotmail.co.uk lilypanda@gopetslive.com chat@insidemessenger.com myfashionablelife@hotmail.com makeadifference@live.com magic8ball@botmetro.net espbilly@msn.com alienchat@hotmail.com tv_answers@hotmail.com musebot@live.com spleak@hotmail.com careerbuilderuk@hotmail.com moviescout@botmetro.net collegefootball-guru@hotmail.com fox.fantasy.football@hotmail.com hope i helped :)