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Mild metal and maybe plastic for the handles

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metal is hard and strong and it can cut things easily

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Q: Why are scissors made of metal?
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Who was to the person who made scissors?

Here is an answer from a 1998 article: That's hard to say. Every now and then, in one of those lists of factoids you never knew ('Debbie Gibson and Amy Fisher went to the same high school'; 'Nutmeg is poisonous if injected into the bloodstream'), you'll read that Leonardo da Vinci invented scissors. But if he did, we sure couldn't find any mention of it. Not in his biography in the World Book Encyclopedia, in any case. We think it's more likely that scissors - or something darn close to them - have been around for thousands of years. According to Encyclopaedia Britannica (and if you can't believe them, who can you believe?), scissors were used in ancient Rome. And Robert Maudlin of the National Association of Scissors and Shears Manufacturers says he's seen pictures of scissor-like objects dating back to the ancient Egyptians. It wasn't until 1761, however, that Robert Hinchliffe of Sheffield, England first used cast steel to make scissors. That's when their popularity really took off.

Which mineral is used for making glass and computer chips?

Computer chips are made with Silicon (metal). Glass, however, is made from Silica (sand) which sounds similar, but is actually quite different.

What is a light bulb wire made out of?

A light bulb is made out of three items. A filament produces the light, glass gives the light bulb shape and controls the brightness, and the base allows the bulb to be placed in a socket.

What metal is used to make discs?

In the middle between Polycarbonate is a very thin layer of a reflecting metal that may be either Steel, Gold or Alloy. Although different disks may have different metals in them due to where they may be made or type of disk.

What are door handles made out of?

Most keys are made from brass and steel, depending on what color they are. This includes house and car keys.

Related questions

Are scissors a conductor?

Scissors are Conductors, DUHHHHH

The scissors look shiny Why do scissors look shiny?

because of the metal (the material) it's made out of!!!!! did i help?? comment yes or no?

Do scissors conduct electricity?

Because electricity will travel through almost everything but wood, rubber, and a few more. Scissors have metal in them, and that is the thing that electricity loves to travel through.

Where is the metal of scissors obtained?

Scissors are usually made from stainless steel, which is a type of steel that contains chromium to prevent rusting. The metal used to make scissors is typically obtained from iron ore, which is mined and then processed to create the stainless steel used in scissor production.

What uses are good for scissors?

Scissors are made up of a pair of metal blades that can be used for cutting various materials such as paper, cardboard, metal foil, cloth, etc. They can also be used to cut food or hair.

Do scissors float?

Scissors are typically made of metal which is denser than water, so they usually sink rather than float in water. However, lightweight plastic scissors may float in water.

Can you give me an example sentence using the word scissors?

Can you please pass the metal scissors Daniel?

Is a steel scissors a insulator or a conducto?

Steel scissors are conductors because they allow the flow of electricity due to the metal material they are made of. Conductors have properties that allow electric charges to move freely through them.

How is the metal of a scissors obtained or mined?

Scissors are typically made of stainless steel, a type of alloy. The raw materials for stainless steel, such as iron, carbon, and chromium, are mined from the earth. These materials are then melted and mixed in specific proportions to create stainless steel, which is used to make scissors.

How does a pair of SCISSORS works?

Scissors are first class levers. When you close the handle part then metal part closes cutting the paper.

What other material's that could be used instead of metal in a scissors?

Really anything that is solid and not brittle could probably be used for scissors.

Why do a pair of metal scissors appear shiny?

A pair of metal scissors appear shiny due to the smooth surface of the metal reflecting light in a uniform manner. When light hits the metal surface, it reflects off the smooth surface without scattering, creating a shiny appearance. The shininess of the scissors is a result of the reflection of light waves off the metal surface, giving it a polished and reflective look.