The commonly used protocols are the TCP/IP protocol suite. This is a set of protocols that work together, not a single protocol.
Network Control Protocol is uses to identify the Network layer protocol used in the packet
A set of rules used for transferring data over the Internet is called a "protocol".Hypertext transfer protocol, HTTP.
lightweight directory access protocol
SMTP -(Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is what is used with the basic email. There is also and extended one (ESMTP)- (Extended Mail Transfer Protocol). Hope this helped.
The first protocol that was used by the APARNET was called the Internet Protocol.
Chrome and Safari can be used for chatting. Chatting applications like Facebook and Google Talk can run on it.
Skype is an example of a popular messenger used for chatting. Others include Yahoo Messenger, AIM, and Google Talk.
the protocol used for email is simple mail transfer protocol and the layer is transport layer.
The Bradley Protocol
Facebook uses the HTTP Protocol
The commonly used protocols are the TCP/IP protocol suite. This is a set of protocols that work together, not a single protocol.
There is no single protocol used between a server and a client; the protocol depends on what the server and client are doing and how they are currently communicating.
Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) is the most commonly used protocol for dial-up connections.
The name of the protocol is "HTTP". Short for HyperText Transport Protocol.
File transfer protocol