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non volatile ROM

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Q: Which of the following terms is the most closely related to main memory?
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Which of the following terms refers to a network resource sharing model that uses access control lists on each computer?

Workgroup Peer-to-peer

What is the function of edvac computer?

The EDVAC was a binary serial computer with automatic addition, subtraction, multiplication, programmed division and automatic checking with an ultrasonic serial memory capacity of 1,000 44-bit words (later set to 1,024 words, thus giving a memory, in modern terms, of 5.5 kilobytes).

What are some common computer terms internet users should know?

some slang words are: lol= laugh out loud rofl= rolling on the floor laughing omg= oh my god jk= just kidding smh= scrathes my head or shakes my head from, brittani p.s. if yhu hav a meez add me my name is brittani_9154 ducez

What is computer tracking?

In terms of computers, tracking includes viewing or keeping track of activities done online and on the computer itself. This type of tracking can be either software or hardware related.

10 questions on new software and technology related to computer?

Ten questions related to Software & Technology related to Computer:1. Type of Computer?2. Which Motherboard is used as a base device for connecting devices?3. Types of Ports & Slots provided on Motherboard?4. Which Processor is used?5. How much & which type of Primary Memory is used?6. How much & type of the Secondary Storage is available or number of Storage devices can be connected?7. Which type of Display Device with supported resolutions is available?8. Which Operating System is used & Applications it can Support?9. What features are available & provided by Applications used?10. What are the expansion capabilities offered by the Computer System in terms of Hardware & Software?

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Which is least closely related to the others fruit seed ovary cone?

cone, is related to gymnosperms; the other three terms are related to angiosperms

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In terms of evolution, hawks are most closely related to alligators. This is because birds evolved from dinosaurs and both alligators and dinosaurs are archosaurs.

When you are thinking on the margin the factor that should most influence your decision is most closely described by which of the following terms?

opportunity cost

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Cats and mice are more closely related in terms of their predator-prey relationship. However, cats and dogs are more closely related in terms of their shared domestication history as both have been kept as pets by humans for centuries.

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No, Litoria fallax is a species of tree frog native to Australia, while Homo habilis is an extinct species of early human. They are not closely related in terms of taxonomy or evolutionary lineage.

Which two groups are least closely related to artiodactyls?

Perissodactyls (odd-toed ungulates like horses and rhinos) and Carnivora (carnivorous mammals like cats and dogs) are least closely related to artiodactyls in terms of evolutionary history and morphological characteristics.

Terms is most closely related to an oligarchy?

"Power distribution" is most closely related to an oligarchy. In an oligarchy, power is concentrated in the hands of a few individuals or a small group, giving them significant influence and control over decision-making and governance.

In evolutionary terms the more closely two organisms are the?

In evolutionary terms, the more closely two organisms are related, the more recent their common ancestor and the more genetic material they share. This relationship is reflected in their DNA sequences, anatomy, and developmental pathways, indicating a closer evolutionary history. Organisms that are more closely related are usually classified into the same taxonomic groups, like species or genera.

Which of these terms would the term god most closely associated?

Between 1990 and 2006 the number of people who died in boating related accidents increased

In terms of digital technology state what memory is?

memory :)